Saturday, June 03, 2006

Self Employed

If to be "self employed" is a dream for many people, it' s in fact not always as good as you can imagine. You end up working for someone anyway, not a boss but someone else: for me it was the owner of the shop, Shopping Centre (with increasing rent and their Mafia like practice....), staff and customer. I'm not complaining about having to work because in any job or business you have to work to make a dollar.
I have been lucky, worked hard, made some money, enjoy it with a couple of years off and then for now nearly 3 years have been back in the trade to make a living. But if I realize that money doesn't bring me happiness, free time does!
Time with my family, friends and time to enjoy my hobbies.....
But how I'm going to have more free time, with a growing family and all the expenses that our society bring us? Well the solution is to have an income without working! Some people call it Residual income.
So now is my Jewellery business going to bring me a residual income?
Well I would have to grow it at a level big enough where if you sold it you could invest the money and live of the interest. So let say that it's nearly impossible!
Knowing the economic situation of our society, the increasing competition, and the Shopping centre killing the small business I would need enormous amount of money so again more risk, stress and for a reward not even guaranty!


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