The Dark Side of the Industrial Age

By putting large quantities of greenhouse gases (specially CO2 ) into the atmosphere, humans are exerting pressure on an inherently unstable climate system that might produce a drastic change without much prior warning.
But, by common agreement the government, few years ago have managed to reduce the ozone hole with a common agreement on ban on gas used. But now they have to take some more drastic decision to force the industry to stop damaging the earth and may be it’s too late to reverse the process!
The latest film by Al Gore is very successful and I would advise anybody to see An Inconvenient Truth it, the book is very interesting too . there is no hided agenda , just fact about the situation on earth where 99% of the scientific community agree.
But Global Warming is not the proper term. We should be talking about “Climate Change” as it’s not going to get warmer everywhere. In fact, to resume the situation, the Antarctica and south pole are melting, the ocean are getting warmer so the currant in the ocean are changing. Europe at it’s latitude should be much colder but because of the Gulf Stream it’s a temperate climat.
Now if the gulf stream stop (it has already slow down!), Europe will become much colder with heavy winter most of the time….On the other end Australia is warmer and every year the drout is stronger….
The other major effect is the rising level of water. So many millions of people will have to be displace and loose everything.
The thing is that the problem is not for the earth as it will always recover from whatever change will happen but the people, us, we are going to loose millions of people and all this because of the greed of few people. Guess who?
But if the government and the media, (under popular awareness )talk and realize that they should act against Global Warming, there is something else, very scary and even of a bigger impact that is going to happen soon. It will have earthshaking repercussions for the way we live and the way the world is ordered.
It’s the End of Oil.
The US government knows that conventional oil is running out fast. According to a report on oil shales and unconventional oil supplies prepared by the US office of petroleum reserves , "world oil reserves are being depleted three times as fast as they are being discovered. Oil is being produced from past discoveries, but the reserves are not being fully replaced. Remaining oil reserves of individual oil companies must continue to shrink. The disparity between increasing production and declining discoveries can only have one outcome: a practical supply limit will be reached and future supply to meet conventional oil demand will not be available”
"The first half of the oil age now closes, it lasted 150 years and saw the rapid expansion of industry, transport, trade, agriculture and financial capital, allowing the population to expand six-fold. The second half now dawns, and will be marked by the decline of oil and all that depends on it, including financial capital."
Civilization as we know it is coming to an end soon. This is not the wacky proclamation of a doomsday cult, apocalypse bible prophecy sect, or conspiracy theory society. Rather, it is the scientific conclusion of the best paid, most widely-respected geologists, physicists, and investment bankers in the world. These are rational, professional, conservative individuals who are absolutely terrified by a phenomenon known as global "Peak Oil.
Very interesting site:
We have to think about acting locally. We need to start growing our own foods or finding foods that are in our location - rather than 1500 miles away. People don't realize how simple changes can be beneficial.
I don't know if we can count on the government to force change. We need to do it ourselves. We have to realize that oil is more than the ability of us to drive. It is in every step of the manufacturing and distributing of food.
I agree - read It woke me up!
Well, folks, but
this type of story is not
true. They just got through
finding a sizeable amount
of oil in Bolivia.
I'm not sure that this would change much with China and India becoming more and more powerful. Will get back to you with more info soon.
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