Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Time appears to be speeding up!

It's amazing how the time is going so fast, everybody seems to agree and it remind me of a theory that I learned few years ago while I was traveling and in search of answers. Also last week all the debate about the "planet" Pluto has remind me that we are living in a very special moment.
What's happening is that the Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," called Schumann resonance, is rising dramatically. For thousands of years the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it.
Time appear to speed up. A 24 hour day seem to be about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart beat" of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is at about 12 cycles at present. All this is fascinating and I'm wondering where it's all going.


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